Sans Titre by Fabrice Gygi


Fabrice Gygi



Watercolour on canvas
2 paintings


560 x 110 cm, each


Fabrice Gygi's largest-scale watercolours form a separate and continuous group within his body of work. The pieces are linked by the limited colour palette and the rigid, geometric style. 


Zurich, Altbau

The theme of these pieces links back to those seen in his sculptures and installations. The aesthetic appeal lies in the juxtaposition between control and order on the one hand and divergence and flaws on the other.

For me art is like resisting. It helps me to survive in a society despite the fact that I completely disagree with it.
Fabrice Gygi

The apparently perfectly controlled brush strokes, the long lines and the grid structures are reminiscent of designs seen in institutional architecture or at motorway junctions. Yet each piece displays an element of coincidence: The watercolour accumulates at points, revealing its animated, uncontrollable character.

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