Series, Umkristallisation (Recrystallisation) by huber.huber





Set of 49
5 shown here
Mixed media


Various dimensions


The term "recrystallisation" describes a key process for purifying chemical compounds. The substance to be purified dissolves at a higher temperature, the saturated solution is filtered and then cooled down; afterwards, the pure substance recrystallises. Thus it's basically a purifying process from which new substances emerge through the dissolution of existing substances.

In Umkristallisation (2013) huber.huber apply the basic idea of this chemical process in the collage. By affixing various elements to a base, a new whole is created, whose functioning is similar to the recrystallisation process. Therefore, huber.huber literally intervenes in the existing crystalline structure, as described by the recrystallisation process. What's fascinating about this is that, in the collages, they allow new crystalline structures to form on paper from existing crystals, but which don't occur in reality.

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