Fenster by Adrian Schiess


Adrian Schiess



Wall painting


25 x 20 m


A bank of large windows cast rays of ever-changing light on the long sections of wall onto which Schiess has painted his work Fenster. The colours are subtle blends of brown, grey and green – which contrast with the sharper monochrome tones of the surrounding walls and floors.

Zurich, Altbau
As with many of my murals, I've always understood this work to represent a sort of stage.
Adrian Schiess
A bank of large windows cast rays of ever-changing light on the long sections of wall.

The colours are suggestive of a natural landscape, so it is no surprise that he has talked about "bringing the outside in". That said, there is something elusive about this work. (It is worth noting that "Elusive" was the title of one of his previous catalogues).

Schiess has painted on many different materials.
The colours are subtle blends of brown, grey and green.

Schiess is interested in how colour affects the environment within which it appears: "The relationship between colour and space is much more important to me than, for instance, its connection with form or illustration. Obviously, colour and form are related, but the meaning of form is secondary in this respect. Painting is always bound up with matter...".

The relationship of colour and space is much more important to me than, for instance, its connection with form or illustration.
Adrian Schiess

Schiess has painted on many materials, including plywood, rice paper, metal and synthetic products, and has used oils, acrylic, enamel paint, coloured pencils and watercolours to achieve his desired effect.

The colours are suggestive of a natural landscape, so it is no surprise that he has talked about "bringing the outside in".

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